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“Marching” Right Along Schedule

Writer's picture: James & Tony PintoJames & Tony Pinto

Updated: Apr 2, 2021

We've had a busy couple of months working on our father/son passion project - a documentary about dinosaurs and the people who love them! Here’s a quick summary since our last update:


First off, we were mentioned in the media… 3 times!

Spectrum News produced a nice video that was seen throughout Southern California by many of our friends and family:

The Spectrum piece was followed by a similar article in our local paper, the Ventura County Star: (Thanks, Mike Harris!)

And, lastly, we were featured in the current issue (Jan 2020) of Prehistoric Times Magazine, thank to our buddy Tony Campagna, “The Dinogeek” (Instagram: @thedinogeek):


At the end of January, we ventured out to Mesa, Arizona to interview Benji Paysnoe, resident paleoartist at the Arizona Museum of Natural History. Benji is currently working on a new exhibit with several lifesize dinosaurs.

At Benji’s suggestion, James got a little too friendly with the “pumpkin spice latte-inspired” hadrosaur. Please do NOT try this at your local Natural History museum!

Goin' Back to Cali…

In February, we had the distinct privilege of interviewing Academy Award nominee and Jurassic Park cinematographer Dean Cundey at the Raymond Alf Museum of Paleontology in Claremont, California. We figured he knew a thing or two about dinosaurs in pop culture.

We also got to interview three distinguished dinosaur paleontologists, including Gabe Santos:

Paleontologist Dr. Andy Farke:

And Paleontologist Billie Guerrero:

Here’s a fun video of everyone playing with a parasaurolophus dinosaur puppet (by TRX Dinosaurs) after the interviews:

But Wait, There’s More!

We made a ton of progress on the structure of the film, which you can (kind of) see on the white board between us (Sorry, it's TOP SECRET!):

We also overhauled the WHY DINOSAURS? web site, including adding a blog for regular updates (like the one you're reading now):

Thank you!

We are lucky to have a rapidly growing army of friends, family, and dinosaur enthusiasts who are rooting for WHY DINOSAURS to happen. We sincerely thank the many thousands of you for your support. We could not do this without your help.

Please continue to share these updates and tell people about the project. You may be surprised to discover that someone you know is also a closet dinosaur freak.



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